Great to meet you last night Doug! I even got to meet Jerry Garcia!!
I too was surprised at the light turnout but pleasantly surprised that 100% of the public comment was in favor of "Status Quo".

By the way, here is the link to the Neah Bay discussion podcast.

We have until Dec 4 to submit written comments so you have plenty of time. The Commission will rule on this matter in Feb 2011.

Send written comments by U.S. Mail or email through December 4, 2010 to:
Ami Hollingsworth
600 Capitol Way North
Olympia, WA 98501-1091
The department will brief the Fish and Wildlife Commission on the draft objectives and range of alternatives and the input received at the public meetings at their meeting December 2-4 in Olympia where there will be the opportunity for public testimony.

Edited by TJN (08/24/10 08:10 AM)
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