Sorry it took so long to respond, but I do work and this is just for fun anyways, but...

1. I am embarrassed about the state of our government, and our standing in the world. I think it will have long lasting bad effects in a myriad of ways.

Response: If you think Trump is to blame, alone, for the state of our government, take a good look at Washington State. If, in the end, we get better trade agreements with China and Mexico, and stay out of war... maybe we shouldn't care what the rest of the world thinks of us. Only time will tell. Right now, though, if your feelings effect your life that much, then you are a snow flake.

2. The well-being of others is directly tied to the well being of all of us. The incidence of STIs has gone up, especially in places where funding has been yanked from preventative care facilities to placate religious fanatics.

Not sure about this. But if you are worried a bit that you might catch one, then... Seems odd to blame Trump though, as rates rose from 2013 to 2018, with each year breaking the previous years high, but hey, why not just blame Trump...

3. The divisiveness and bigotry coming directly from the White House emboldens racists and bigots to act out. The incidence of race-related crime has gone up, from those "very fine people".

Not enough data is out about this... What I do know is that reported crime has gone up. But, if you look at the total unreported and reported statistics, as seen in the FBI data, the number appears to have dropped significantly. What we do see, over the past few years, is that a higher percentage are reported as compared to unreported. The most important thing to note, however, is that the total number does appear to have dropped going into 2015 and then stayed fairly stable for 2016 and 2017. 2018 does not appear on the statistical charts. Actual reported numbers do appear to have gone up, but this does not mean more actually happened. As noted, the reported and unreported numbers flipping, with more reported and less unreported, while the total appears to remain the same.
There have been a few more right wing wackos in the news, but I think the blame on this can be put on both parties. Nut jobs are nut jobs. They feed off the divisiveness coming out of Washington.

4. Trust in our national elections is greatly eroded. This literally is the basis of our Democracy. Not just allowing, but defending those in foreign governments who meddle in our elections because it benefits the criminals you want in office will be the end our Democracy if it is not stopped cold.

The elections under Obama stunk. Blaming Trump because you lost, well that makes you a snow flake.... I would say lets see how this years election turns out, but, well.... I suppose there is no way they will be legitimate if Trump wins.

5. Lastly, your very post is the worst thing happening. The "I got mine, screw the rest of you!" selfish attitude is the shittiest thing for our country, but as long as idiots have someone below them to blame those at the top will continue to convert all of our resources and tax dollars into their heaps of cash. This will be the end our Democracy if it is not stopped cold.

This I totally agree with, but, you repeated attacked middle class conservatives for voting for their beliefs over their self interests. And if you think this was not happening under Obama, well... that just says a lot about you. The establishment has been doing this for years. I think part of the reason Trump was elected was that many hoped he would change business as usual. If they feel he hasn't and that the Democrats will, then maybe we will see a change.

For me, my everyday life has gotten a little better under Trump. But, when I see the way Society is change, I worry. The hate from the left and the right. The changes in morals I see my kids facing each day. The misinformation and twisting of the truth (like blaming Trump for increases in STI's or claiming hate crime is so much higher because of him) scares me. It started with the Right as they attacked Obama, but gotten worse from the Left. You acted with glee when you thought a baseball player disrespected Trump or part of the Crowd booed him at an event. I can imagine how the left would have responded if the same thing happened under Obama. If someone walked by Obama and refused to shake his hand, the cries of Racist would still be echoing.

You Todd are the problem, as much as Trump.