Originally Posted By: Hankster
Originally Posted By: elparquito

Blows my mind that there is a single person on this planet that think Trump is a good, honest, person....let alone still listens to anything that man tweets or says.

Blows my mind that anyone thinks any politician is a good, honest person. They ALL lie.

Preznint Jugears was given the Whopper of the Year award.

"Read my lips, no new taxes".

"I did not have sex....".

New boss, same as the old boss.

You are such an idiot Wankster. Clinton got a BJ, Obama learned he couldnt do a thing without new taxes, Trump said he had nothing to do with Russia but oh wait there were multiple meetings, plans, negotiations. That is so so so different than a BJ and pandering to taxaphobes. If you cant see that than you floss with Trumps pubes.
Maybe he's born with it.

Maybe it's amphetamines.