Originally Posted By: Hankster
Originally Posted By: Dan S.
Veterans suffering under Trump's VA.


Good job, good effort.

Where was your outrage during the Preznint Jugears administration when hundreds and hundreds of vets were dying because they couldn't get in to see a doc at the VA hospitals?

"At least 293 veterans died while on these wait-lists a problem confirmed to be systematic at VA facilities nationwide. Yet in spite of this travesty the VA distributed over $140 million in bonuses in 2014."


Where was your applause when Donny Two Scoops came in and told hundreds and hundreds of pogues with cushy gubmint jobs at the VA, "YOU'RE FIRED"...?

Hey dick face. Trump is the President. He owns all of it now.

God, you're a pussy.
She was standin' alone over by the juke box, like she'd something to sell.
I said "baby, what's the goin' price?" She told me to go to hell.

Bon Scott - Shot Down in Flames