actually it does matter to commercial CBD product production... because CBD is a COMPOUND in the hemp and cannabis plant, and is in ALL parts of the leaves, flowers, and very very very minor amounts in the stalk.. there is ZERO CBD in seeds, and anyone that says they are producing CBD from seeds is full of sh!t....

also, the best source for CBD is from the cannabis plant, NOT the hemp plant, so the place you went to, is making the exact bullsh!t i said you can find at fvckin Walgreens...

where you guys just shooting butane into the air like retarded fvckwads that blow their houses up, or were you running a closed loop extraction system?

how many times was the butane refined? or did you use the bullsh!t you can buy at the smoke shop to re-fill your gay ass vape pen?

how long did you purge your after product?

did you just do it on a stove burner, or did you have a vac oven?

wanna know why you are wrong saying its an oil?

THC can also be made into an oil, if you did what you said you did, thats what you made, was an oil extract...

dry ice method you use dry ice to freeze the stalks and heads and they bust off and travel through a certain micron mesh screen, that keeps the plant matter out, leaving you with the THC extracted (and CBD, because its there too), in a dry powder...

sifting is rolling it over a screen, of certain micron mesh, same method as with the ice, but more time consuming....

hash they just beat the [Bleeeeep!] out of the plants over a screen, similar method, leaving you with a fine powdery substance that is then pressed into bricks...

whats the method for bubble hash?

CBD is a compound, not an oil, it is MADE into an oil...