Originally Posted By: Hankster

The NY Slimes didn't put a dollar amount on the lawyer fees Slutty Daniels will have to pay, but they did say they would not be an insignificant amount.

"The money now owed by Ms. Clifford to compensate Mr. Trump’s team of lawyers for their work on the case over nearly six months will not be insignificant. While Charles J. Harder, a lawyer for Mr. Trump, said Monday that the fees had yet to be determined, the case required several lawyers and multiple court filings. At least four lawyers represented the president at a recent court hearing in Los Angeles, and one filing drew on research that cited more than three dozen cases as precedent."

I wonder what Slutty is thinking about her creepy porn lawyer now?

The creepy Lawyer took this case per - boner.
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

- Albert Einstein.