I'm also concerned about the rule that makes it illegal to remove fish from water. This is another feel good proposal that will serve no beneficial purpose. I personally have caught fish with seal bites, gill net scaring and fish with lamprey eels stuck to them. If they can survive that, they can survive being removed from the water for a few seconds. Anyone who supports this measure is a hypocrite for even targeting fish if you believe they're that delicate and fragile. There's also a safety issue here. I oftentimes am fortunate enough to fish from a 26 foot Seahawk in the Sound. How am I supposed to release a fish without removing it from the water? If I catch a king mooching and the hooks are in it's mouth and there's a 3 foot chop on the water, there's no way I'm going to be leaning over the side of the boat. The other option is to net the fish, lift it out of the water and let it hang there, not actually bringing it in the boat. This would actually be worse for the fish than brining it in and laying it down on the deck to unhook it. This is an un-enforcable measure that will take enforcement away from important issues. Sort of like making the no seat belt law a primary offense.