Duroboat: It has always been cheaper to buy fish. For most of us this has little to do with gathering food to feed the family. If that was a goal we would all be better off selling the boats, rods, reels etc and buying chicken.

CFM: I think you know better than most that our WDFW has done a mighty poor job of protecting wild salmon and steelhead. Estimates vary but something like 50% or more of all native salmon and steelhead runs are extinct or endangered. I feel little reassurance when WDFW tells us a run is healthy enough for catch and kill. They all were once! Just because a run is not listed by the Feds doesn't mean WDFW should do nothing to protect it. In this case they did what many avid steelheaders were asking them to do. For once I am proud of them.

To whoever asked, what other group has asked to have their rights limited? I would answer bass fishermen. They were in the forefront of the C&R issue and look what it has done for them. With 6 million people in our state and more added every year we simply cannot continue to kill wild steelhead and expect anything except extinction.
No huevos no pollo.