Grandpa: You and I are on the same page on this one. One minor point of disagreement is your belief that C&R will result in less fishing pressure. That was not the case in B.C when they went C&R and I can tell you anecdotally that in the early days or C&R on the Sky the pressure was high. It went down when the fishing went to hell. In B.C., the initial response to C&R in the 80's were howls of anguish, and in fact license sales took about a 25% dip on the next few years. Then as the fishing got better and the angling ethic changed license sales went back up well above the previous C&R levels.

If we can bring back top-notch wild steelhead fishing on the Peninsula streams the guides will get rich. There is no retention on the Kispiox, Thompson, Babine, Sustut, Skeena, etc, and the crowds are large. If you give them big wild steelhead they willcome.
No huevos no pollo.