
You have made your rules more then clear about personal attacks.

I have only seen a couple that are near reaching your high standards that you have set. If some people make a "personal attack" to another board member, I think every person here will support your decision to nail them. So far, after 486 posts (must be a record) I have not really seen anyone cross your established line (maybe close, but not crossed).

This is by far, the best thread that this board has ever had, and it would be a shame, and discredit to the members of your board to "lock it up" just because one or two members may have violated your high guide standards. It would be appropriate for you to deal with anyone that you feel has overstepped your guide lines. You have to remember that this site is being continually monitored by both WDFW and NMFS, plus who knows who else. It is my personal opinion that how you personally deal with this issue will reflect on the credibility and power that this board is likely to have on persuading the future policies that WDFW must consider.

It's your call as always, but to close this tread down because someone oversteps the rules that you have established doesn't make a whole lot of sense to the many of the members that belong to your board.

It's certainly has been a little heated at times, but all and all, it been the best thread that I have ever followed for whatever that is worth.


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????