Originally posted by gsiegel:
I have learned a couple new things, though!
My favorite is how we can save more fish by allowing kill fisheries! slap The second is how all fishing in the state needs to be shut down now! slap

Funny how the only people around interested in saving wild fish are those who actually enjoy fishing for them...hmmmmmmm.
Now I have to add just one more thing as you made some excellent points.

I believe those that are throwing such a hissy fit and proclaiming that they will just not fish for steelhead because of this new regulation, honestly do not enjoy fishing for (wild) steelhead or appreciate them.

Most us in support of this regulation and those of us that fight for the protection of wild steelhead on an almost daily basis believe that there is no better gamefish then wild steelhead. Most of us also look at wild steelhead as a maginficent creature that should be protected.

We can not imagine a week gone by without atleast spending a day on the water in pursuit of our favorite fish. However, we would not take this passion so far as to fish over fish that should not be fished over.

This discussion is more then meets the eye...deep down it is a discussion between anglers who look at a fish in two very differant ways.
Ryan S. Petzold
aka Sparkey and/or Special