"In over twenty years of fishing for steelhead I havent killed a native fish and whys that because I dont target them I give them the respect they deserve.But a bunch of you guys want to label anyone thats against this rule a nate killer or meat whore.I KNOW I wont kill a native steelhead in my life time.Can you C&R guys say the same.Thats a BIG NO.As long as you get to keep fishing your happy."

You just made the C&R crowd very happy with that post...

Which one of these is true:
1) You are the best fisherman in the world. You are so good, that before the fish strikes, you know if it is native or hatchery. Then you pull your bait away before the nate can bite it. Truely impressive!! Please start up some classes to teach the rest of us this valuable skill!!
2) You are the worst fisherman in the world. In over 20yrs you have never caught a native steelhead while targeting hatchery fish. Or maybe you are just lucky? Unlucky?
3) Or, like most of us, you do incidently hook native fish now and then, and release them to 'do their thing'.

If number 3 is true, either C&R was 100% successful, or you did inteed kill a few native fish in those 20 plus years - intentional or not. Sounds like you and a few others are convinced that your efforts to release these wild fish unharmeed was VERY successful. Maybe I missed your point? Please clarify...