I think this state needs to take a more agressive stance on inbreeding! This law is one of the best things to happen to us who are not freezer whores. Any one who thinks other wise is, well lets say that if I wrote what I Really think Bob would have to kick me off. I will not pretend to know every fact there is to the current state of our wild stocks but one more fish that will make it to spawn is one more chance at greatness. A classic example of the wide spread stupidity in the fishing community happend to me a few weeks ago. I had just released a nate in the mid teens when a older gentleman wobbled over to me and asked why I let it go? I told him I never kill wild steelhead. He scowled at me and said " you'r one of them Huh? You just put another fish in the nets. Looking around I asked him if he had ever seen a net up here? (tall timbers hole on the Bogie) He grunted a no. I further asked him if that fish hadn't already earned his freedom after having made it thru the nets. He just wobbled away. I wonder if his parents had been divorced while he was still a kid if they would have still gone to reunions as brother and sister?
25 years experience fishing the Puget Sound. 5 years of it catching fish.