I have found this thread really interesting. I didn't grow up in steelhead country, and learned fish for them after I turned about 30. the guy who taught me was (still is) a nate bonker. And he's still a friend I'd fish with. I'll admit that I bonked all nates til 3 years ago when I found this forum.

I'll put out a personal "THANK YOU" to Smalma, Salmo g, Vedder and Todd for putting out really well reasoned posts - and not flaming too badly after being flamed. It's guys like you - who know a LOT more about these things than I do - that really make this forum worthwhile. And I appreciate CFM for being so passionate but backing it up with data..... Where do you get it all?

I don't post much, because I don't have a lot to contribute sometimes. But I'll tell you this, I never thought I'd get such joy out of releasing native steelhead. I always thought they were meant for the grill, but watching them swim away really is the coolest.

You won't see me post "nate killers are scum" entries, because if it's legal I think it's still a matter of personal ethics. (not unlike the fact that I don't happen to think that hunting deer with a 300 super ultra maxi mag plus is all that chalenging. I's still legal and if you hunt that way, so be it.) Personaly, I don't mind the moratorium.... but I sure wish we could get the nets out of the water. I suspect (just my guess) that getting the nets out would do more god than this moratorium.

Anyway, to those of you that are able to actually debate in a reasoned way, I salute you. You really help the guys like me think through these issues.

Anybody know a good spot I can go CnR a few nates????? smile
