
As posted above, several times, the WSC has almost all aspects of steelhead management on its plate.

The same folks that advocated this action are not just focusing on this to save wild steelhead. I personally, along with several others on this board, have been down in Olympia a few times testifying about the Columbia River fiasco that the tangle net fishery is. Grandpa has been working on that, too.

Jacob, where were you? Plunker?

I've also been down to testify about setting instream flow standards to make sure that enough clean, clear, cold water remains in our streams to support fish runs.

Where were any of you for those hearings?

How many of you are making your opinions known about the project to fix both of the land slides on the North and South Forks of the Stillaguamish River?

How many of you sent letters or testified about making the lowlands surrounding the North Fork of the Skykomish protected land under the "Wild SKy Initiative"? This would protect miles of spawning grounds for countless runs of anadromous fish.

Sitting on the sidelines and b!tching just doesn't get it done...
Since Jacob and Plunker decided not to answer these questions, will you? I don't remember seeing you at any of these meetings, either. What, exactly, are you doing to improve the plight of anadromous fish in this state?

BTW, Fred Shiosaki DID NOT vote for this proposal.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle