
Like I said, I am neutral because I believe that we can have some limited harvest, and still have recovery of wild stocks at the same time. With that said, lets get back to the Commissioners moratorium.

This decision shows a strong clear message that current policy, guidlines and management is completely unacceptable, outdated and non-condusive to CnR wild steelhead fisheries as a policy.
The WSP went through a huge public comment process where every fisherman had ample opportunity to make his or her views known. The WSP even had to do an EIS before it became the states policy.

It would appear to me that this will end up just like WT did, and we all will be paying someone else's attorney fees because a few fishermen can "feel good" for a while. The Commissioners are no different then you or I, and they too must follow state laws and policies.

Their decision may be a noble one, but to me, legally, it was a foolish one to do. If they don't like the mandate of the states policy, they should try to change it, just like we must do to change the mandate of WDFW. You just can't make that kind of a ARBITRARY AND CAPRICIOUS call when policy states otherwise.

There decision, as I read the WSP, was made arbitrary and capricious. It won't pass the straight face test in the court room.

I think this decision was only done to make some parties "feel good". It's only my opinion, so each of you must make up your own!


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????