Man, I go fishing for a couple of days and look at this monster when I get back! I don't have time to read all the posts, just read the first and last page. Don't think I want to read the middle - I want to stay happy about this. Do think I want to say I am wholeheartedly in favor of releasing all wild steelhead and always have been. Do want to say that what we should be getting PO'd about is the WDFW push to kill off the rest of the wild steelhead in the Columbia with commercial gillnets, and I hope our Commissioners put the squash on that one real soon. Do also want to say that if you want an example of wild fish release having a positive effect on a fishery just look at the Puget Sound cutthroat. Yeah, we still got nets in the water for steelhead, we also got degraded and rapidly degrading habitat that is causing more problems than you can imagine. But we as fishermen are no longer going to be part of the problem and for that we should be glad and proud. We can all now say that we don't kill them, and we can now in good conscience insist that others knock it off too laugh
The fishing was GREAT! The catching could have used some improvement however........