I just want the nets gone too. cry

In the yellowstone and skagit harvest was not an issue after the catch and release regulations went onto effect.

In our case harvest still is an issue. Thats why Its my opinion that the yellowstone and skagit success stories have no bearing as an example to what may happen with are steelhead fishing now.

It remains to be seen just how much more or how much less the tribes will continue to take.

I have noticed that once we lose are privilages regarding fishing opportunity we rarely if ever get them back whether the outcome has been effective or not.

This still seems to me to be a do gooder law that does not address the main issues concerning fish survival. And as long as we avoid the main issues effecting fish survival our fisheries will suffer.

If proponets of this new law can rally and protest netting successfully on the basis of this new law that would be a miracle! But would be great.

In the past tribes have been offered fish directly from the hatcheries to keep them from netting the river. As a matter of fact they were offered the surplus hatchery fish on the bogey this season and declined. They still prefer to net. I guess its a traditional type thing or something like that. I cant see why they declined. The fish were nice bright fish.