Regarding recovery, like Smalma says, it depends on your definition. I agree that most wild steelhead populations won't recover to support harvest levels like the good old days because there is less habitat and of lower productivity. But populations can recover to a self-sustaining level if we give them the chance. I believe it for the reasons Smalma cites - there are specific examples of recovery.

Regarding BPA's comment on the number of years to "wild" recovery, well, it's a theory. Fact is, nobody knows. I'm OK with that. Populations can recover with less than 100% of the genetic diversity they formerly had, and we aren't likely to notice the difference. But if it takes 30 or 40 years to recover all of it, might as well start today, rather than next year, or the year after, etc.

Even the Cowlitz can recover steelhead populations you could be proud of, but they won't support the harvest that they could 50 years ago, for all the usual reasons.


Salmo g.