Good point grandpa! thumbs

Hey Plunk

I think it's just a matter of time before that "rope" that H2O thinks everyone is pi$$ing on ends of on some Commissioners neck! Their decision was made arbitrary and capricious. They will have to defend their decision by what was of record at the Time that they made the decision.

They will not be able to defend their position on facts in the record, especially when the "agency" that is responsible for making the decision had stated and recommended that it was not justifiable. Give it a little time, and this decision will be overturned in the courts. The records are full of cases just like this one, and all its going to take is a couple of attorneys to turn it over.

That's my opinion, and I am sticking to it, and I don't care how many of the "gang" wants to hear it or not.


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????