I am going to break my own rule and respond to the recent parts of this thread. I would sincerely hope that the recent personal attacks would end and we could focus once again on the fate of the resource.

CFM - You made a mistake and admitted it. It takes a big man to do so. A bigger man may have left up the post where you made your admission, but so be it - if there is somebody on this board that has never been wrong please post. I would love to meet you.

Aunty - One of the things that I have learned being a parent is that I have to choose "which mountain I am willing to die on". In other words, there are so many big issues that demand our attention, I just can't give all my time (or skills) to every one of them. Changing CFM's approach may be a noble cause but I think your talents are more likely to succeed elsewhere.

Bruce - It takes a lot of kahonies to come on to someone elses board and make a personal attack. You, of all people, should recognize how low that is. Your comments about the validity of the Commission's actions, what Forks may do - those are very welcome (by me at least) for they advance the debate. The other, well, you can do that on your board just as effectively.

I'm not certain there is a lot more to say on this thread but, like Jerry I believe there may be additional input over the next two years. laugh
"You're not a g*dda*n looney Martini, you're a fisherman"

R.P. McMurphy - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest