theres only 1 way to stop illegal immigration, and the United States wont do it, because its too lucrative to do it...

wanna know how?

you need to give the people a reason to be happy in their countries, they need to love living there, and have everything that they could want in life....

they dont want to be there, because some of the governments are corrupt, and the violence from the drug cartels...

coincidentally, we also have a drug problem in this country...

so heres how you fix it....

send in the US military, in countries where there is a corrupt government, you nail them first, in other countries, work with the government... use the country of origin government to sweep the towns and villages where the drugs run through, and the US military, you go straight to the head of the cartels, which isnt hard to find a 20 million dollar home surrounded by dirt huts and forest... and flatten it, with everyone inside....

stop giving aid to terrorist countries like Pakistan, and give it to the new and emerging economies you just created with removing the drugs, and cartels that hold those countries hostage...

kill all of them, dont throw them in jail, kill them...

the problem is, Democrats love immigrants because its more votes, and both parties, love illegal drugs, because tons of people profit from it, so why would they want to end either of them?

take out the root of the problem, and the problem will vanish....