There is a fly. He is going across the river and isnt going to make it. He starts going down much to the shagrin of a trout. He knows that flyis going down and when he does is going to jump up and eat him. On the bank, there is a bear and he sees everything happening. Figures when the trout jumps he will reach out and grab it. On a hillside behind the bear is a hunter. Through his high power scope he sees everything going down. Figures when the bear reaches out for the trout he will have a perfect shot. Behind the hunter is a cougar. The cougar is eye balling a mouse that is eye balling a cheese sandwich in the hunters pocket. The cougar is a keen eyed, witty and cunning creature as was all know and so ofcourse he sees everything about to happen. He knows that when the fly falls the trout will jump up, the bear will reach out, the hunter will shoot the bear, the cheese sandwich will fall out of the hunters pocket, the mouse will grab it and drag it, the cougar is going to jump for the mouse and snag it. So it happens, the fly falls, the trout jumps, the bear reaches out, the hunter shoots, the cheese sandwich falls, the mouse grabs it, and the cougar jumps for the mouse, but the witty, cunning little creature missed and rolled all the way down the hill into the river and got all the wet. So what is the moral of the story?

When the fly goes down the pussy gets wet.

Tasteless and way too long I know. But whatever.
To everybody else, YOU are the other guy.

Don't sweat the petty things, pet the sweaty things.

Boise State- National title, here we come!