Originally Posted By: uglybugger
Little Johnny is sitting in his history class one monday morning.

Teacher says to the class, "Ok kids, on Thursday we will be having a quiz on the battle of the Alamo. If you answer my question correctly, you can have Friday off for a three day weekend."

Little Johnny is stoked for a three day weekend. Fishing, shooting frogs, etc. He spends all week studying on the battle of the Alamo.

Thursday morning comes, and Little Johnny knows everything about the battle of the Alamo.

Teacher says, "Ok kids, here is the first question. In what state is the Alamo currently located?"

Little Johnny is shocked at how easy the question is. He raises his hand, but the teacher calls on a little mexican boy sitting in the front row. Little Juan jumps up and says, "Texas."

Teacher says, "Very good Juan, have a great three day weekend."
Johnny is pissed! Such an easy question.

Teacher sasy, "Ok kids, second question. In what year was the battle of the Alamo fought?"

Johnny is again shocked at the easy question. He quickly raises his hand and waves it at the teacher.

The teacher however, calls on a little mexican girl in the front row. Little Juanita stands up and yells out, "1835!" Teacher says, "Very good Juanita, have a great three day weekend."

Johnny is pissed! Another easy question.

Teacher says, "Ok kids, last question. Who was the leader of the Mexican Army at the battle of the Alamo?"

Johnny is so excited that he knows the answer. He again quickly raises his hand and begins waiving it at the teacher.

Teacher calls on a little mexican boy sitting in the second row. Little Miguel stands up and yells out, "Santa Anna!"
Teacher says, "Very good Miguel, have a great three day weekend."

Little Johnny is so pissed! He blurts out, "Where the F*** did all these mexicans come from?"

Teacher says, "Who said that?"

Little Johnny smiles and says, "Davy Crockett did bitch, see you on Monday!"

long read for a weak punchline....