Originally Posted By: On The Swing
Yes pray for rain.
Today I walked the upper reaches of the west fork Chehalis and the mainstem from high Bridge down to browns creek up in timber land...
Zero springers seen and only 1 test dig in the whole reach. (Even had a snorkel crew up there that I don't think saw anything), some fish seen and some redds below Pe ell, but the Springer counts are in the absolute dirt right now

Floated Elma gt to porter yesterday and saw only a couple springers and zero redds
Both of these areas should have way more spawning since we are past the normal peak for those springers.

I DID see a fair number of prespawn Mort chinook and a couple coho in the porter float. All big fall kings that just couldn't take the low dissolved oxygen coupled with high Temps.

I have certainly never seen the Chehalis this low, its CERTAINLY time for action.

Surveyed Bingham creek down to west fork earlier this week and saw about 70 kings above Schaefer park, mostly fall fish, with a couple summer chinook on redds working.
Some coho were present.

What I DID see that relates to these closures was a noticeable amount of fishing pressure above Schaefer park(2 that I saw were most certainly not fishing for "trout") and the couple anglers I had above the middle fork were outright sight snagging and not shy about it.
This is an enforcement issue as much as anything else and we all know how people tend to fish in these low water times when the bite gets hard.

Willipa bay streams are also being hit hard with angler pressure in areas closed to salmon fishing... nemah and naselle both have close to 1000 premorts each below the intakes.
Dissolved oxygen counts are well below the baseline on "5" needed for salmon to survive...naselle had a number down in the 3's I think.

We are setting records daily with this weather and have ZERO real rain totals in the forecast.
Fish are spawning in areas right now that will be the first to be scoured with the high water when it finally comes. There is a myriad of reasons why these regs have come down the pipe...

It is truly pathetic to see the comments on said news releases from people that should know better. But that's what happens when knuckledraggers are given the chance at the mic.

So, 2 snaggers and a couple cheating "trout anglers" fishing water where the fish AREN'T is a greater threat to this year's spawn than 50-100 boats trolling bait through the tidewater where the fish ARE? To say nothing of the GILLNETS filling in the off time? Do I have that brilliant bit of policy logic right?

My point, in case you missed it, is that this closure won't "protect" $hit while the only water with fish in it is still getting relentlessly hammered. That makes it bad policy, even if a majority of the posters here who can still fish think it's sounds okay. Close the tidewater and you've got an effective, sound policy, not just another misguided lie to protect the "favored" fisheries.