Originally Posted By: jgreen
So I should feel guilty for not doing their job? Calling them on their crap when they aren’t willing or able to do it? Yes, I have picked up my fair share of garbage on the river. I don’t leave any (that I can recall, we’ve all probably dropped things). I have volunteered at hatcheries, at least with moving some fish around on more than a couple occasions.

The state doesn’t even have an answer on habitat. Remember when they used to remove log jams? Now they keep putting them in? Which is it? Now if you cut out a sweeper it’s a fine.

They hired a few extra fish checkers for the chehalis (according to the guy I checking the fish my last time coming back to fuller) and why not have them on the tributaries in the winter?

The WDFW has over 1500 employees…how many are just pencil pushers and redundant? Maybe get rid of a few and hire more enforcement, stream walkers and fish checkers? According another guy on here, there are only 5 people out checking redds and spawners….that’s not my fault and I won’t feel any pity on the WDFW for their choices in where to put their staffing budget. It another cesspool of government waste. Far to big but has limited reach.

It’s pretty much useless. Standing by them is just Stockholm syndrome. I don’t care who works there, they are public servants, doing a horrible job serving the public, unless your a lobbyist for the WFC and the humane society and all the other bleeding heart POS organizations that claim to love fish and have never held a fish in their hands.

If you don’t fish or hunt, you shouldn’t be allowed at the table. Period.

Fishing and hunting should not be managed or influenced by hikers and bird watchers.

Many of those things are their jobs, yes. But as fisherman, exploiting a rapidly dwindling natural resource, we should ABSOLUTELY be stewards of that same resource. If not, we’re just along for the inevitable decline. If you fail to see that, I’m sorry, but you are lost.