I have had some inquiries on what I see on the river. Well not much is an understatement and to be honest damn strange. Some folks are catching for sure and for others not so much. Fish are coming into the river but not hanging out or staging in middle section of tidewater. It seems they are simply moving up with few showing no jumping rolling no nothing here in the Central Park reach. Why I have no idea and this pattern I have not seen since the 90s. When compared to the last four years when the Coho were way up early in large numbers it is just the opposite this year. So if I had to hazard a guess I would say this year looks to be more of a traditional run timing performance.

Chehalis flows are 336 cfs at Porter and several tribs are below average but not a record low flows. The Olympic streams forecast precipitation is around an inch plus or minus depending on location over the next couple of days. Upper Chehalis not so with half to three quarters an inch. Ten days out another rain event after the one forecast for the next couple of days.

So choose wisely because I do not believe that the fish are going to help us out a lot. Fish do what fish do and volunteering to make thing easy for anglers I doubt is one of their priorities!
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in