
mmmmm, Silver/Coho jacks are a awesome fishery. I've sat at many NOF meetings, jacks are never mention in the discussions as far as NT or QIN, Bay fishers, are concerned. It's only after the 1st 2 hours of NOF meetings when the "public" gets to speak......"I SPEAK FOR ALL THE PERSONS THAT ENJOY THIS FISHERY", I'm part of a group that enjoys this fishery.

Rivrguy is correct....smoked, and eaten fresh, they are excellent. Caught on 9 - 13' rods, in fast water, can be fun.

I check the amount of jacks that get back to many hatcheries, there are enough, that the limit should be raised. The limit is 6, no one knows or remembers when that number became the standard....I tried to get it raised to 12, fell on deaf ears.

Chinook jacks are, for the most part, released, by me......while good eating fresh or smoked, they have a smell that I don't want in my boat. If a Chinook jack is hooked by me, I hand rod off to a "young person", let them enjoy the fight or release them, MOST of the time.

Eggs catch the vast majority.......GOOD EGGS are a must!!!!! If you have xhit eggs be prepared to have a loooooooong day of watching others catch fish.

1 last comment...13' rod, if in a boat, by yourself, a silver jack, can be a real challenge to get into a net, especially in fast water......

Edited by DrifterWA (08/03/22 09:53 AM)
"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"

"I thought growing older, would take longer"