If I recall when Willapa Coho are modeled the Rec catch does not move any no matter what he does with the Commercial seasons. I took the entire Commercial season out of the model and no change to the Rec catch.

Here are my suggestions. No Commercial in 2T until September 15th at the least but October 1st. would work much much better.

Expand bag limits. The Willapa Bay Marine fisheries should of have had a six fish limit this past year. So numbers being the same 6 fish limit. We are talking adults here. Also you do this every year so folks count on it.

In river numbers permitting you go to 4 adults a day. Not sure about North River but the three streams with hatcheries the W+H streams should not be a problem.

Two rods allowed out of a boat anywhere river or bay.

No limit on Jacks.

Edited by Rivrguy (01/08/15 07:28 AM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in