
I tuned to another "dog and pony show", thinking I might get to ask a question or two, nope the general public was "shut out", just got to listen to more WDFW current philosophy on why a dozen NT gill netters needed more time to net, if the QIN netting schedule was 4 days a week, SO THEY COULD GET A BIGGER SHARE OF THE FISH.

Nothing said about the increase in sport fishers numbers up river, needing a fair share of fish, so that those that pay the vast amount of $$$$$ get a chance to catch a fish.... back to the "old days", forget about "buy back", also WDFW seems to forget about 90% of the fish caught in Willapa are gill net caught.

Its past time to have the only gillnet fishing in the Chehalis/Humptulips, Tribal. We don't need to have the Chehalis tribe, the QIN, and a handful of NT gill netting, a diminishing resource.
"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"

"I thought growing older, would take longer"