Setting on the deck this morning the river is mirror like zero breeze and I have not seen a fish jump or roll and its incoming tide. I guarantee fish are here but setting here in Central Park you would not know it. It looks to be a waiting game for now but sooner or later they will show in numbers. Hopefully sooner!

11 years ago or so when the GH Policy was adopted many of the community traveled back and forth to countless meetings. It was a difficult thing but most stuck with it and we got a policy that refelected all the input from the Chehalis Basin communities. WDFW absolutely did not like it so they solved that. Got rid of Advisers, limit open meetings where staff had to answer questions, and then came ZOOM the ultimate dog and pony show machine. You have an agency determined to control the narative on fisheries and the status of the fish stocks. What is different now is WDFW's budget is secure so they don't need the pesky users. Wait until tax money gets tight again ( and it will ) and here they will come wanting public support. It is what WDFW is like it or not. As to the Commission they are all good folks I imagine but if they don't listen to staff they will uninformed. If they do listen to staff they will be misinformed.

Honesty is not a hallmark of WDFW.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in