The CCA sent out a news letter and this was one of the items.

Commission Reform Legislation
On Wednesday, February 19, the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee will hold a hearing on two bills reforming the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission and the governance of WDFW.

House Bill 1685 would make WDFW a cabinet agency with the Director selected by the Governor. The Commission would become an advisory body and would no longer retain the authority vested in it though 1995’s Referendum 45, which includes hiring and firing the Director and setting policies for WDFW. While we are concerned about the lack of accountability in WDFW’s current governance structure and recent actions of the Commission, CCA Washington will be joining a coalition letter expressing concerns with HB 1685 to make WDFW a cabinet agency.

House Bill 1930 would change how the nine fish and wildlife commissioners are appointed. Under the bill, one commissioner would be selected to represent each of WDFW’s six regions by the county commissioners within each region. Three commissioners would be appointed at large by the Governor subject to confirmation by the Senate with requirements to ensure geographic diversity.

If you would like to sign up to testify remotely on either bill or note your position for the hearing record, you can do so up to one hour before the 8:30AM hearing here:
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in