Originally Posted By: DrifterWA

NOF is about fish!!!!! Well, only SALMON, No steelhead, no sturgeon!!!!!

I tuned in to the Willapa NOF, last night, same members of the public and NT speaking. SOS as most meetings related to this process since I started going in about 2012.

There were 5 or 6 proposals, from the general public or NT. NOF, in Willapa, has been a battle ground every since I can remember. WDFW was asked if they had any comments on the models or IF THEY HAD A PROPOSAL, WDFW pretended to act like they weren't ready with comments one way or the other AND they weren't prepared with any State model. Let's see if GH is any different.

Oh, meeting lasted from 6 - 7:30, when no more hands were raised....WDFW "zoomed right out". Early in the meeting, one of the NT, made a comment about needing to get back to public meetings........wow, that fell on deaf ears !!!!!

Boat launch....while it is a important issue, it is not a NOF item....should be put on back burner, until NOF process is completed.....IMO

Well, I have to disagree with the last bit, if we don't keep their feet to the fire on funding they will let this slide as long as possible and then actual work will not happen anytime soon. NOF will happen regardless. Maybe they CAN walk and chew gum at the same time, let's find out!