This email from WDFW is about the Grays Harbor Policy review.

In a nutshell they sorta keep the principles in the old policy but not the sideboards that the old policy did to govern harvest. More or less leaves it up to WDFW staff to define that year by year.

Good morning,

The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission is seeking public input on possible revisions to its Grays Harbor Basin Salmon Management policy.

The Grays Harbor Basin Salmon Management Policy provides guidance to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) to promote conservation of salmon in Grays Harbor as well as the economic well-being and stability of commercial and recreational fishing in Washington.

First adopted in February of 2014, the policy expired in December of 2023, and a formal policy revision process began in 2024. Department staff met with the Fish and Wildlife Commission in June and August 2024 to provide a performance review of the expired policy and offer recommendations for revisions. The proposed changes aim to enable flexible and adaptive management, use the best available science, and align more closely with the newly approved Willapa Bay Salmon Management Policy. The final draft policy is now available for public review and comment.

To learn more or submit a comment on the Grays Harbor Basin Salmon Management Policy, visit WDFW’s webpage where you will find the comment portal.

The comment period is open through September 15, 2024, and a virtual regional meeting will be held to discuss the Grays Harbor Basin Salmon Management Policy revisions on September 4, 2024, from 6-7:30pm. The Commission is expected to further discuss the Policy at its September meeting. To view details of past or upcoming Commission meetings, visit the Commission webpage.

A press release will follow shortly.

Thank you for your interest in Grays Harbor Basin Salmon Management,

Marlene Wagner
South Coast Policy Lead

Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in