
Montesano Boat Launch "might be a no go". I know that people would be pissed if that happened.

Because of where I live, I go for "lookie lou" drives just about every day. I watched as the Chehalis got higher and higher, then went over the East side of the parking lot, more rain, next day the trees on the East side of the parking lot.....slid into the river, some went on a scenic down river. Next day river cut in behind the trees that had slide into the river. Where the river went around the corner, just above launch, more trees went and corner started getting chewed away.

Water was way over the parking lot, handcapped area had trees from "up river" all around it......the large boulders that were along the river bank, from above the shitter were long gone or moved.

I'm not an engineer but with the "major cut thru 150-200 yards up river, unless the whole bank, below the mill, is done correctly........mother nature is going to add the WDFW South Montesano launch to the "it was here, now its gone".....
"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"

"I thought growing older, would take longer"