The QIN effort is not sizeable but active. The net site across the river from Walmart at the boat launch is the best set net site this time of year. Unless one runs the river you cannot say what is going on above Cosy but I have not seen much since fall Coho time. Looking back last few years it has been boat launch, tractor place, dock site Historical Seaport, and another upstream this time of year. That is about it and it varies day to day week to week. If M's spot at the boat launch is not fishing there are seldom any other fishers. Never have figured out why Recs haven't nailed that spot when the QIN don't fish. If just spend some time watching them fish see how & when in the tide the fish move and the fish are ridiculously consistent. Why in the hell they are that close to shore moving up river under or next to the Weyco docks I don't know.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in