Some folks have asked where to find the runsize history updated in the Coho forecast model and it is in the summary tab. The information is from 1980 on updated in the tab and it is rather startling to look back at numbers. This problem with wild Coho returns we have did not sneak up on us but rather just happened in 2015. From 2010 to 2014 the wild returns were above 80K and in 2014 hit the high of around 150k. Then in 2015 dropped all the way down to around 30K and has been hanging in at around 40K with 2018 being up a few thousand. When you look at the 10 year graph it is dramatic to see the line go from near the top of the page to darn near the bottom in one year!

Another question is why has the tide water fishing been so poor in recent years? Well a good portion of it is the reductions in hatchery production over the years which was substantial and the other is the bloody weather. I can remember in years back that hunting would be restricted into Oct. because the woods were to dry and the fire danger. In recent years that has not been the case and the last few years it has rained early and bounced the river. The rule is not much rain until Nov. tide water fishing is great but if it rains before mid Oct. the fish simply shoot right up the river and in the toilet we go. So the recipe for horrible tide water fishing is a low return and early rain. The effect is just the opposite inland as the rain brings the fish to them early. Does not matter where you fish but mother nature is not a very nice lady and can be a bit of a bitch.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in