Here is another change for GH NOF. For my part no I do not know whats up other than they violated several promises made back a bit by Ron Warren on process and headed behind the door. As numbers are short, ocean folks are trying to gobble and if your local you should pay attention. the QIN get 50% of harvestable ENTERING WA ST waters. So if the ocean is not restrained it will eat into the non treaty ( ours ) share and can will be back filled by terminal fisheries. If your a Chehalis Basin resident inland you might want to pay attention as it appears a hold up is in progress out of sight.

To All Interested Parties:

FYI – There will be a public meeting to review the 2018 Salmon Sport Fishing proposals for Grays Harbor on Tuesday April 17, 2018 at the Montesano City Hall from 6 pm to 8 pm. This meeting was originally scheduled to take place at the Region 6 Office in Montesano, but was changed to the Montesano City Hall to accommodate more people.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Kim Figlar-Barnes
Fish Biologist
WDFW Fish Program – Region 6
48 Devonshire Rd
Montesano WA, 98563

360-249-4628 ex 235

Edited by Rivrguy (04/09/18 11:55 AM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in