The short answer is that the planet’s climate has never been static. The earth’s orbit and tilt have cycles that change things such as the Sahara being wet and other things similar. So the planet has been warming since the last ice age ended.

The end of the last ice age was caused by a combination of factors, including:

• Earth's orientation
The Earth's orientation shifted toward the sun, melting the northern hemisphere's ice sheets.
• Weakening of the Gulf Stream
This caused warm air and seawater to move south, and pulled carbon dioxide from the deep ocean into the air.
• Carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide was a major driver of global warming at the end of the ice age

So since the end of the last ice age the planet has been warming. Some call the little ice age which started around the end of the Roman Empire until the early 1800s due to the Atlantic Escalator stopping which some call a “bump in the road of the warming trend”. To think that humans can control weather is a bit of a fallacy. What we have done and can still do is make a bad situation worse by altering the landscape through industry, agriculture, carbon, and a hundred other things with cities being a biggy for city dwellers day to day conditions.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in