Some of have been talking the weather and in the mix some things came front and center, volanoes! Why is this important one may ask? Well most do not know but Tonga near Indonesia went off underwater in 2022 and it was a biggy or class 5.7.

Tonga Eruption May Temporarily Push Earth Closer to 1.5°C of Warming. The underwater eruption of Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha'apai sent megatons of water vapor into the stratosphere, contributing to an increase in global warming over the next 5 years.Mar 16, 2023

In 1815 a similiar event happened with a volcano named Tambora but it was a island volcanoe above water class 7 and it resulted in 1816 being called the year without summer. Tambora's ash caused a cooling of the norther latitudes in Europe and North America along with huge disruptons in weather pattern world wide.

As the link provided Tonga was different as it put an unbelievable amout of water vapor into the upper atmosphere which results in a warming not cooling. As in all things enviro it is difficult to sort through the political climate BS but from what I can cleam out of it in Jan. 2022 Tonga went off and our wether patterns are going to be completely screwed up. So this warm period we are in is likely to last until 2027. Everything I have read said weather patterns in the land mass first ( for the coast and Chehalis warm ) but the effects oceans trail the land.

The opinions are all over the board but Tambora similiar in size cooled with dust. Tonga was similiar in size but underwater and put up water vapor 35 miles up and it will cause a planetary temperature bump. I was hoping for a wetter summer pattern but it looks like warm and dry summers.

This is important for fish because this 4 year window remaining is likely to be just terrible for salmonids. If it effects the Nino's like some say I think a friend of mine from the 70's enviro movement captures it with "salmon have a sh-- storm coming".

Little history:
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in