Here is cut and paste of the draft of the NEW policy but go to the website to read also as working through a bunch of crap to get this in a post and hopefully I got it right.

The purpose of this Policy is to set management objectives and to provide management
guidance for natural (in-river) and hatchery production, and recreational and commercial
harvest of spring and fall Chinook, coho, and chum salmon populations in the Grays Harbor

Authority Definition and Intent
This Policy is established by the Washington State Fish and Wildlife Commission (Commission)
and is applicable to the management by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife
(Department) of spring and fall Chinook, coho, and chum salmon (salmon) in the Grays Harbor
Basin as the Commission's interpretation of the Commission and Department mandate
described in RCW 77.04.112.

The intent of this Policy is to provide guidance for the management of natural- and hatcheryorigin production, and recreational and commercial harvest of salmon in the Grays Harbor
Basin. The Grays Harbor Basin is defined as Grays Harbor and its freshwater tributaries.
Management of natural- and hatchery-origin production and harvest will be transparent and
consistent with normal agency operations and existing agency and Commission policies (e.g., C3624).

Policy Objectives
These policy objectives are a statement of the Commission's values and vision for the future
conditions of Grays Harbor environment, the salmon populations in Grays Harbor, and the
recreational and commercial fishing opportunities in the marine and freshwaters of Grays
Harbor Basin.

1. Productive natural-spawning populations that are locally adapted, diverse genetically
to maintain adaptability, and occur in densities appropriate for the local environment.

2. Sustainable fishing levels for both recreational and commercial fisheries that
maximize harvest opportunities.

3. Management actions associated with harvest, hatchery production1, and naturalorigin escapement adhere to ecosystem-based management principles that consider the
risks and benefits to species and habitats within the Grays Harbor Basin system,including vulnerabilities to a changing climate.
Adaptive Management

Each year appropriate data (performance measures; see below) on commercial and recreational harvest, and natural- and hatchery- origin escapement into the rivers of Grays Harbor will be collected and evaluated. These data and subsequent analyses must be used to
determine if the policy objectives are being achieved. If objectives are not being optimally achieved, harvest and hatchery production levels should be altered, and escapement goals reevaluated until objectives are optimally achieved. Monitoring, data collection, and data analyses are conducted as part of normal agency operations, and the adaptive management process allows for changes in commercial and recreational harvest, and natural-origin escapement goals without approval from the Commission.

The Department will apply the following principles in the management of salmon in the Grays
Harbor Basin:

1) Promote the conservation of salmon by managing fisheries consistent with conservation

2) Meet the terms of U.S. v. Washington, with spawning escapement goals and fisheries
developed and jointly agreed to with the Quinault Indian Nation. The Department shall seek agreement with the Quinault Indian Nation to manage fisheries with the intent of meeting salmon spawner goals for the Grays Harbor Basin.

3) Calculate performance measures (e.g., proportion of natural spawners that are of hatcheryorigin – pHOS) that estimate the consequence of a specific management action with respect toone or more of the policy objectives. This will allow for appropriate monitoring of managementactions and facilitate adaptive management, if necessary. 4) Develop and improve, evaluate,
and implement in-season fishery management models, procedures, and management measuresthat are projected to enhance the effectiveness of fishery management relative to preseason

5) Work with partners (including Regional Fishery Enhancement Groups, Office of the ChehalisBasin, nonprofit organizations, the public, and Lead Entities) to protect and restore habitat

6) In a manner consistent with conservation objectives, the Department shall seek to enhance the overall economic well-being and stability of Grays Harbor Basin fisheries.

7) Recreational and WFDW-managed commercial fisheries shall be structured (e.g., schedule,location, gear) to minimize gear and other fishery conflicts. WDFW-managed commercial fisheries in a fishing area or aggregate area (i.e., Area 2A/2B/2D; or Area 2C) shall be scheduled with the understanding of the importance of providing periods of unobstructed passage for salmon into freshwater habitats.

8) Harvest management:
a. State commercial and recreational fisheries will focus on the harvest of hatchery fish. As a general policy, the Department shall implement mark-selective salmon fisheries, unless the wild populations substantially affected by the fishery are meeting spawner (e.g., escapement goals) and broodstock management objectives. In addition, the Department may consider avoidance, alternative gears, or other selective fishing concepts along with other management approaches provided they are as or more effective than a mark- selective fishery in achieving spawner and broodstock management objectives. State commercial fisheries that encounter stocks that are forecasted to be below escapement objectives will utilize gear types that provide the most conservation benefit (e.g., tangle nets).

b. The Department shall work through the Pacific Salmon Commission to promote the conservation of Grays Harbor salmon and, in a manner consistent with the provisions of the Pacific Salmon Treaty, pursue the implementation of fishery management actions necessary to achieve policy objectives.

c. Within the Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) process, the Department shc. Within the Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) process, the Department shall
support management measures that promote the attainment of Grays Harbor policy
objectives consistent with the Council's Salmon Fishery Management Plan.

d. The Department shall conduct Management Strategy Evaluations for stocks to evaluate alternative harvest control rules. Until such actions are implemented, the Department shall use the current natural spawner escapement goals:

i. Chehalis spring Chinook: 1,400
ii. Chehalis fall Chinook: 9,753
iii. Humptulips fall Chinook: 3,573
iv. Chehalis coho: 28,506
v. Humptulips coho: 6,894
vi. Grays Harbor chum: 21,000

e. Fishery Management: Subject to the provisions of the Adaptive Management section,the following species-specific sections describe the presumptive path for achieving conservation objectives. Grays Harbor fisheries will be structured to result in a fair sharing of harvestable fish between WDFW-managed commercial, marine recreational, and freshwater recreational fisheries. Mixed stock fisheries, WDFW marine commercial, recreational, and lower mainstem Chehalis River recreational fisheries will be managed
to the extent that they do not preclude tributary recreational fisheries. WDFW-managedfisheries shall not result in an impact of more than 5% of the return when the naturalorigin adult return exceeds the spawner objective by less than 10%.

i. Spring Chinook Salmon: Fisheries will be managed with the intent of achievingescapement goals for natural-origin spring Chinook.

ii. Fall Chinook Salmon: Fisheries will be managed with the intent of achieving escapement goals for natural-spawning1 fall Chinook. The WDFW commercial fishery will be managed to incidental harvest only of fall Chinook during fisheries directed at coho and chum salmon.
iii. Coho Salmon: Fisheries will be managed with the intent of achieving escapement goals for natural-spawning1 coho salmon. Provisions within the Pacific Salmon Treaty may prompt further restrictions when forecasted abundances are in the “low abundance category”.

iv. Chum Salmon: Fisheries will be managed with the intent of achieving
escapement goals for natural-origin chum salmon.

9. Annual Fishery Management Review. The Department shall annuallymanagement tools and parameters and identify improvements as necessary to accurately predict fishery performance and escapement.

Delegation of Authority
The Commission delegates the authority to the Director, through the North of Falconstakeholder consultation process, to set seasons for recreational and WDFW-managed commercial fisheries in Grays Harbor, to adopt permanent and emergency regulations to
implement these fisheries, and to make harvest agreements with treaty tribes and other government agencies. The Commission fully expects that the Director and agency staff will continue to communicate with the public, and the Commission, to consider new information, evaluate alternate means for carrying out policy objectives, and consider instances in which it may make sense to deviate from the presumptive path forward. That is the nature of both adaptive management and policy implementation, when faced with a dynamic natural enviroment.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in