Just doing e mail and caught it but be unkind to the tribes if you like Ed Johnstone has a bit coming. God knows between the state and tribe pissing on each other for years it leaves us being the ping pong ball flying around. The problem is most do not have the historical memory ( I am really getting old! ) to get past the present to where and the hell things went South. In GH it was when the state split Hump & Chehalis in GH to enable the bay fishery followed by a bunch absolutely pure BS in release moralities. The tribe does the same as they ignore the 15 to 20 % Sea Lion theft like it does not exist. It has continued to go down hill picking up speed from that point with it just depending on the year as to who screws who with the Rec usually getting the shaft as with inriver last year.. The Bay Rec got screwed this year by the near 600 NT Net Coho impacts with the Bay Rec half that. For whatever the reason WDF&W just cannot turn loose of the NT Nets with last year screwing the inriver & this year the bay.

Edited by Rivrguy (05/05/16 01:26 PM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in