Well now story time. Once years back Ron Warren says we got XXX chum left and Doc and Recs said let them go to the gravel but Allen says we will take them . NT Commercials did just that. So it is the escapement goal that is the floor and in the Commission presentation by staff is a look at forecast / harvest / escapement for 5 years. ( I think with out looking ) Take a look and explain how any damn body can say that we do not have a harvest problem. It is really ugly in the marine when the forecast is wrong as they harvest and extend harvest time until they reach the all powerful mystical harvest quota.

Nothing in the entire NOF or post Boldt fisheries is about the fish and conservation! I mean look at this year with streams on the ropes for years and a OK forecast but not great and the many who shouted out conservation for many years now look like starving dogs and a 2 lb roast.

The only and honest answer on how to fix it is simple. The harvest rate applied to the Chehalis Basin by BOTH of the co-managers is to high. That simple / complex and the harvest rate must be reduced or the decline will continue.

How do I know you ask? Just look at Late Coho and Steelhead and both WDFW and Tribes saw that disaster coming did noting until they damn near destroyed the wild Steelhead runs. This not brain surgery but simple observation. Fisheries management is one of the few things where failure to make objectives is an acceptable outcome.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in