JT Austin? Here's what Susewind says about her and her influence and meddling in the Fisheries! From his sworn deposition!

A= Susewind's answers to the attorney.

·6· ·Q· Okay.· Does she provide any input?
·7· ·A· She's the Governor's Office.· Of course she does. (*O'l Susewind got the message loud and clear)
·8· ·Q· I'm trying to get to what it is that she provides input on.
·9· ·A· It's relationships, understanding tribal -- she's his
10· · · expert at tribal culture, tribal relationships.· I believe
11· · · we got a number of staff that are as well, but it's always
12· · · good to have an extra set of eyes there.
13· ·Q· Um-hmm.
14· ·A· Also the tribes put a lot of faith in her, and if she and I
15· · · say the same thing, they're going to believe her before
16· · · they believe me.

Pretty evident from this and other first hand information that the Governor uses JT Austin to TELL WDFW how to manage the fisheries