East Fork Satsop Hatchery returns as of October 26 posting. Remember numbers are always about a week behind

BINGHAM CR HATCHERY Satsop River- H - 8,950 J-1,950 Surplus 10,299 -
BINGHAM CR HATCHERY Satsop River- W - 1,137 J-122 Released 1228

SATSOP SPRINGS PONDS Satsop River- H - 1,000 J-300 Surplused 335

These NT impact numbers for Chum are about 75% of forecast Coho 6.5% and Chinook well 86 was modeled so this number was out in the weeds. One more time it rained early and this is what happens with Coho and Chinook. When and if we get the QIN numbers we will see Chum take a dramatic turn around.

Oct 18 WK 42 0 Chinook 93 Coho 270 Chum
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in