A fishery based on what data? WDFW is, or at least to, do daily spawner surveys in various parts of the watersheds. Perhaps 4 or 5 indexes a day, 5 days a week, by a 2 person crew. Or just one. These serve as the basis for run reconstruction which ultimately tells you what was there. I know that while I was managing I used the information from this daily surveys to provide more clarity to the updates.

For whatever reason, WDFW, QIN, and many other tribes have rather abandoned in-season management based on a pre-season plan. Unless there is strong evidence of different numbers they won't change.

In-season management is expensive; you need staff in the field to count spawners, to count catch. You need staff in the office to convert these numbers into updates. And as Rivrguy can tell you, the burden of conservation in real-time management falls on the last in line. Before HvB it was the Tribes, mostly. Now it is the freshwater sportie.

Given the poor numbers of wild spawners relative to goal, you can't kill any of them. Even now, with ESA, we still allowed wild endangered fish to be killed so we can kill hatchery fish. Nobody involved in the current management regime really wants wild fish (see what is happening to steelhead) because they prevent harvest of too many hatchery fish.