It is good to have PP back up after being down for several days!

Ah hell we lost a good guy.
It is with great sadness that I am letting you know that Jon “Jason” Pflughaupt, a Fish Hatchery Specialist 2, passed away Wednesday morning, July 17, while off duty.

Jason devoted 28 years to WDFW and was based out of Bingham Creek Hatchery near Elma. He was a kind-hearted, generous person who was always willing to help others. He was passionate about fieldwork and loved working at the hatchery. No job was too big or small for Jason; he would volunteer for any task, for the betterment of the agency.

Jason assisted the Bingham Creek Hatchery team with the propagation of fish to support commercial, recreational, and tribal fisheries throughout the Chehalis Basin, the Washington coast, and beyond. He particularly enjoyed and excelled at the culture of juvenile salmonids, caring for populations from incubation through release, as well as maintaining hatchery infrastructure and the grounds he called home. Additionally, he had love and compassion for our co-op projects, particularly working on the net pens. His contributions to the agency and the greater fishing community have filled many creels over the course of 28 years. For those who worked alongside him every day and knew him well, Jason was not just a colleague — he was more like a brother. His hatchery family cherishes their memories with him, and he will be profoundly missed.

Our hearts and deepest sympathy are with Jason’s family and with all those who worked with him. Please offer support and grace to our Bingham Creek Hatchery, Region 6, and Fish Program colleagues.
I want to extend support to all of you, recognizing that this may bring up other feelings of grief from losses all too recent. Please be there for each other. We will get through this together.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in