A good example today is and article in the Daily World today on habitat projects in Grays Harbor this year. Public awareness is a good thing now the otherside of the coin. Most if not all benefit Coho and maybe Steelhead not Chinook. Next the Chehalis Basin has solid Coho and Chinook stocks. Chinook hang out at about escapement but that is after nearly 50% of any given years return is harvested in Alaka & British Columbia. Steelhead it is simply years of tribal neeting and non treaty Rec harvest have done the damage. If there ever was a fish you cannot harvest with a gillnet it is Steelhead and the tribe owns this one.

So if you look at the money being spent including the freeway fiasco fixing salmon blockages that are not salmon streams what happens when the money dries up? Which it will. The Chehalis Basin will be just like it is now. The millions spent will produce few fish any it does create will just be part of harvest. The cost per spawner I cannot begin to imagine! What is sadder is other parts of the state with ESA or severly depressed stocks will continue to decline until at some point the courts will drop the hammer and fishing for all will become a memory. Right along with many stocks of fish.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in