Well, the tribs shot up all of 50 cfs with yesterday's rain. We gotta do better than that.

Did a little tour of the northern tribs this morning. First stop was promising; I was the first person there. As soon as I got to the river, I realized I had it to myself because there wasn't a single fish in it. No longer promising.

Stop 2 was about mid-river on a well-known trib, and it yielded the same results (no fish observed, and certainly none encountered). Stop 3 was further down on the same river, and a guide had his clients pounding the hole pretty hard (to no apparent avail), so I moved on. Stop 4 was down low on the same river. I saw one other angler get a very small coho (basically a jack), and I got a nice sea run cutthroat on a jig, but all I saw besides that was a bunch of dark kings rolling around.

Plenty of anglers at the last stop... so many I didn't bother to walk in and fish. We're talking over 100 bank anglers here, assuming each rig at the access point had 1.5 anglers in it. Considering the location, at least 50% of those anglers were likely flossers, and that number of flossers would shut down the best of bites on the best of days, so I left them to it. I'm sure some of those folks caught, but I guess I'll never know.

I think I'm done fishing on weekends until it rains... a lot. Even if we don't get a bunch of new fish, we need something to spread out the angling pressure.