Lost the forematting on this, it is fine in the preveiw but toast here but you should be able to pick out the numbers. Gzzzzzzzzzz So here are the Chehalis and Humptulips Preseason Forecast numbers. Coho is way up there, Chinook not so and the Chum numbers are combined for the Harbor. More later as I have asked for the preseason forecast Excel spread sheets.


Spring Chinook
Forecast 2247
Goal 1400
Harvestable 847

Chehalis Fall Chinook Humptulips Fall Chinook
Wild Hatchery Wild Hatchery
Forecast 15132 1202 5504 2430
Goal 12364 47 2236 369
Harvestable 2768 1155 3268 2061

Chehalis Coho Humptulips Coho
Wild Hatchery Wild Hatchery
Forecast 168993 51525 12915 29796
Goal 28506 1202 6894 2120
Harvestable 140487 46675 6021 27676

Chum Grays Harbor
Forecast 30176
Goal 21000
Harvestable 9176

Edited by Rivrguy (03/01/13 01:30 PM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in